Where Have All the Average People Gone?

Every once in a while, I come across a song that I feel is particularly good for me. It might make me laugh, help me see more clearly, or just get me to relax. I often get the urge to share these songs with someone, though usually don’t. Today, though, I decided I’d send a music recommendation to anyone who is interested. This one is an ‘oldie but a goodie,’ which I assume many people these days aren’t familiar with.

Roger Miller’s rendition of ‘Where Have All the Average People Gone?‘ is one of those songs that helps me see more clearly. It seems like people are increasingly tempted to hold extreme views about others, whereas in reality the truth is usually something much less extreme. I think it’s important to understand this and remember it when interacting with each other.

If you take something else from this song and want to share your thoughts, or would like to recommend another song, please do!

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